About Me
Hey there, I'm Daniela Amaya, a graphic designer living it up in Colorado! My path in design has been shaped by my roots as a first-gen Latina scholar, proudly representing Colorado State University, and being the daughter of immigrant parents. During my university years, design stopped being just a class; it became a deep passion that's now a part of who I am. I truly believe that design holds immense power in shaping society and fostering fresh perspectives. My approach to design is all about sparking engagement, fueling curiosity, and bringing enthusiasm to every project. Each piece I work on is an opportunity to create experiences that leave a lasting impact. 
Motivated by my desire to bring about positive change, I infuse my designs with meaning, aiming to uplift, inspire, and empower viewers. My ultimate goal is to ignite imagination and creativity in everyone who encounters my work. I'm committed to this journey with a blend of creativity and strong dedication, hoping to make a significant mark with each design I create. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed making them!